2021 ASSA Conference
“COVID-19, Real Uncertainty & Monetary Policy”
Hosted by: CEBRA & American Economic Association
Chair: Raphael Schoenle (Brandeis University and FRB of Cleveland)
“Housing, the Credit Market and Unconventional Monetary Policies: From the Sovereign Crisis to the Great Lockdown.“, Hamed Ghiaie (ESCP Business School)
“Wall Street vs. Main Street QE“, Eric Sims (Notre Dame and NBER) joint with Jing Cynthia Wu
“Pricing under Distress“, Ernesto Pastén (Central Bank of Chile) joint with Boragan Aruoba, Andrés Fernandez, Daniel Guzman & Felipe Saffie
“Does Pandemic-Induced Uncertainty Increase Automation and Income Inequality?“, Zheng Liu (FRB of San Francisco) joint with Sylvain Leduc