XVIII Annual Inflation Targeting Seminar of the Banco Central do Brasil

May 19-20, 2016

Submission Deadline: January 29, 2016

Authors interested in presenting a paper in the XVIII Annual Inflation Targeting Seminar of the Banco Central do Brasil must submit their articles by January 29, 2016. The event will be held on May 19-20, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.

The purpose of the XVIII Annual Inflation Targeting Seminar is the exchange of ideas and knowledge between central bankers, representatives from multilateral institutions, academics and private sector specialists, allowing the discussion of achievements and challenges to monetary policy and inflation targeting.

The 2016 program will include presentations and discussion of selected articles from this Call for Papers, as well as invited lectures. The seminar will have academic sessions and plenary sessions.

•Call for papers posting date: October 29, 2015

•Deadline for paper submission: January 29, 2016

•Notification of acceptance: March 11, 2016

•Attendance confirmation deadline: March 18, 2016

•Seminar dates: May 19-20, 2016


We encourage submission of theoretical and empirical research on the achievements and challenges to monetary policy and inflation targeting, comprising aspects of economic modeling and the implications for policy-making.


Interested authors should submit their papers in PDF format, using the website, by January 29, 2016, at the latest.

Articles must:
•Be complete

•Be written either in English or Portuguese

•Have a cover page, with author(s) information: affiliation, address, phone number and e-mail address

•Have an abstract, key-words and JEL classification codes

•Be presented in English, if selected

Authors will receive submission confirmation by e-mail. In cases in which authors are not notified, please get in touch by e-mail: . There is no submission fee.


The Banco Central do Brasil will cover travel (economy class) and hotel expenses (up to three nights in a hotel chosen by the organizers) and transportation costs to and from the event for one author per paper selected for the Seminar.

There will be no reimbursement of any costs incurred while travelling to participate in the Seminar.

1.By submitting a paper, authors automatically agree with the right of the Banco Central do Brasil to post the selected articles in the event web site, without any damage to the authors’ intellectual rights.
2.The organizers will not accept papers submitted after the deadline.
3.During the event, each author will have a 20-minute slot for presentation. There might be some discussion following the presentations, by the end of the sessions or after all presentations are done.
4.The organizers will define the presentations ordering.
5.Further clarifications on this Call for Papers can be requested by e-mail: .
6.Click here to access past editions of the Annual Inflation Targeting Seminar of the Banco Central do Brasil.

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