- Event details: The Center for Financial Innovation and Stability (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) and the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (Georgia State University) are organizing a workshop on Financial innovation: A threat to financial stability? Conditions permitting, the conference will be held in-person at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta on October 6-7, 2022.
- Click here for the Call for Papers and conference webpage
- Papers submission deadline: 25 July 2022
- Submissions in PDF format only can be uploaded on the following submissions platform
[pdf-embedder url=”http://cebra.org.185-101-158-55.117.hosttech.eu.185-101-158-55.117.hosttech.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/220411_CFP-FRB_Atlanta.pdf” title=”220411_CFP FRB_Atlanta”]