This workshop will focus on theoretical, empirical and methodological papers that can contribute to the understanding of the microeconomic channels affecting productivity dynamics, and hence growth, with a particular attention to policy implications.

We welcome papers related to the following topics:

– Productivity growth and measurement issues

– Misallocation of inputs and allocative efficiency

– Microeconomic frictions

– Firm level heterogeneity

Keynote speakers: Jan de Loecker (Princeton, KU Leuven & NBER), Gianmarco Ottaviano (LSE & CEPR).

Please submit your paper (drafts or extended abstract) through Conference Maker® no later than September 15, 2016 (

When submitting the paper, please indicate whether you are willing to act as a discussant. Decisions will be notified by October, 3rd.

The organizers

Matteo Bugamelli and Francesca Lotti (Bank of Italy)

Mark Roberts (PSU & NBER)

Fabiano Schivardi (Bocconi, CEPR & EIEF)

John Van Reenen (LSE & CEPR)

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