CEBRA’s 2020 Annual Meeting at LSE & Bank of England 

This session was organized by the Norges Bank at LSE.

Parallel Session 6: Drivers and Dynamics of Inflation & The Macroeconomics of Climate Change, Session 3: Inflation Dynamics and the Phillips Curve 

Chair:  Francesco Furlanetto (Norges Bank)    


“Who Killed the Phillips Curve? A murder Mystery” Jae Sim (Federal Reserve Board) joint with David Ratner

“Anchored Inflation Expectations and the Flatter Philips Curve” Kevin Lansing (FRB San Francisco) joint with Peter Lihn Jørgensen

“Inflation at Risk” Francesca Loria (Federal Reserve Board) joint with David Lopez-Salido

“The death and the resurrection of the Phillips Curve” Drago Bergholt (Norges Bank) joint with Francesco Furlanetto and Etienne Vaccaro Grange