CEBRA’s 2020 Annual Meeting at LSE & Bank of England 

This session was organized by CEBRA – ITM Chair

Parallel Session 3: International Economics, Session 10: International Trade and Macroeconomics

Chair: Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchy (Bank of England)


“Self-Harming Trade Policy?Protectionism and Production Networks” Matteo Cacciatore (HEC Montreal) joint with Alessandro Barattieri. Discussant: Federico Huneeus (Yale University)

“Invoicing and Pricing-to-market: Evidence on International Pricing by UK Exporters” Meredith A. Crowly, Giancarlo  Corsetti (both University of Cambridge) and Lu Han (University of Toronto) Discussant: Tommaso Aquilante (Bank of England)

“Global Value Chains and Stock Market Comovement” Bruce Iwadate (LSE) joint with Raphael Auer, Andreas Schrimpf and Alexander Wagner. Discussant: Thomas Drechsel (University of Maryland)