CEBRA’s 2020 Annual Meeting at LSE & Bank of England 

This session was organized by CEBRA

Parallel Session 4: Banking, Debt, Risks, Regulation, Session 2: Financial Stability and Regulation

Chair: David Aikman (Kings College London) & Matthieu Chavaz (Bank of England)


“Banking Supervision, Monetary Policy and Risk-Taking: Big Data Evidence from 15 Credit Registers” Miguel Boucinha (ECB) joint with Carlo Altavilla, José-Luis Peydró and Frank Smets

“Unintended Consequences of the Global Derivatives Market Reform” Pauline Gandre (University Paris Nanterre/EconomiX) joint with Mike Mariathasan, Ouarda Merrouche and Steven Ongena

“Countercyclical Capital Buffers: A Cautionary Tale” Christoffer Koch (FRB Dallas) joint with Gary Richardson and Patrick Van Horn

“Reach for Yield by U.S. Public Pension Funds” Andrei Zlate (Federal Reserve Board) joint with Lina Lu, Matthew Pritsker, Andrei Zlate, Ken Anadu and James Bohn