CEBRA’s 2020 Annual Meeting at LSE & Bank of England
This session was organized by CEBRA`s Monetary Policy and Macro Finance (MPMF).
Parallel Session 1: Monetary Policy and Macro Finance, Session 25: Macroeconomic Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy
Chair: Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi
“Crossing the Credit Channel: Credit Spreads and Firm Heterogeneity” Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi (Bank of England) joint with Gareth Anderson
“Consumption Heterogeneity: Micro Drivers and Macro Implications” Edmund Crawley (Federal Reserve Board) joint with Andreas Kuchler
“Household Debt and the Heterogeneous Effects of Forward Guidance” Francesco Ferrante and Matthias Paustian (both Federal Reserve Board)
“Monetary Policy, Labor Income Redistribution and Credit Channel: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee and Credit Registers” Caterina Mendicino (ECB) joint with Martina Jasova, Ettore Panetti, José-Luis Peydró and Dominik Supera