CEBRA’s 2020 Annual Meeting at LSE & Bank of England 

This session was organized by IMF – Money and Capital Markets Department

Parallel Session 3: Monetary Policy and Macro Finance, Session 26: Integrated Policy Frameworks

Chair: Tobias Adrian & Gaston Gelos (both IMF)


“Leaning Against the Wind: An Empirical Cost-Benefit Analysis” Luis Brandao-Marques (IMF) joint with Gaston Gelos, Machiko Narita and Erlend Nier Discussant: Fernando Mendo (Princeton University) TBC

“How Does the Interaction of Macroprudential and Monetary Policies Affect Cross-border Bank Lending?” Judit Temesvary (Federal Reserve Board) joint with Elod Takats Discussant: Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul (BIS)

“Unintended Effects of Macro-Prudential Policy on Real Interest Rates and Liquidity Traps” Alejandro Van der Ghote (ECB) Discussant: Jesper Linde (Sveriges Riksbank)