CEBRA’s 2020 Annual Meeting at LSE & Bank of England 

This session was organized by the Bank of Canada 

Parallel Session 2: Markets, Currencies, and Payments, Session 31: Central Bank Digital Currency

Chair: Francisco Rivadeneyra (Bank of Canada)


“Demand for Payment Services and Consumer Welfare: The Introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency” Kim Huynh (Bank of Canada) joint with Jozef Molnar, Alex Shcherbakov and Jerry Yu

“Central Bank Digital Currency, Inflation Tax, and Central Bank Independence” Ohik Kwon (Bank of Korea) joint with Seungduck Lee and Jaevin Park

“What Keeps Stable Coins Stable?” Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj (Warwick Business School) joint with Richard Lyons

“Vertically Disintegrated Platforms” Tarik Roukny (KU Leuven) joint with Christoph Aymanns and Mathias Dewatripont