This session was organized by CEBRA`s International Finance and Macroeconomics Program (IFM)  

Parallel Session 2: Banking, Debt, Risks, Regulation, Session 9: New Developments in the Global Debt Markets

Chair:   Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi (Bank of England) & Galina Hale (FRB San Francisco)


“Differential Treatment in the Bond Market: Sovereign Risk and Mutual Fund Portfolios”  Nathan Converse (Federal Reserve Board) joint with Enrico Mallucci

“The Making of Global Safe Assets” Maurizio Habib (ECB) joint with Fabrizio Venditti and Livio Stracca

“Avoiding Sovereign Default Contagion: A Normative Analysis” Sergio de Ferra  (Federal Reserve Board)  joint with Enrico Mallucci

“Cross-country Co-movements in Sovereign-bond Markets: Accounting for the Fundamental and Information” Paula Margaretic (Universidad de San Andrés) and David Moreno (Banco Central de Chile) joint with Alejandro Bernales