Call for papers (Access the pdf here)

The Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA) is organizing an afternoon workshop on Sunday July 9, 2017.  The objective of this workshop is to bring together policymakers and researchers from across the globe to present policy-relevant work and discuss current issues and challenges in monetary policy and financial stability.

The event is open to researchers affiliated with a central bank or related policy institution only, as well as, to CEBRA’s executive officers and members of the Senior Council. The submitting author must be a member of CEBRA. To join CEBRA free of charge, please visit

After the recent global financial crisis, financial stability risks have come up to the forefront of policy discussions.  Central banks around the globe have addressed financial instability with different tools, including extraordinary monetary policy measures. Other approaches have favored the implementation of macroprudential policies to minimize externalities caused by a large ex-post decline in asset values.  Regarding monetary policy, the key issue of concern is the extended recovery period during which central banks have kept interest rates at very low levels, a period far longer than what almost anyone would have initially expected.  Overall, policy makers have faced a complex situation, which has generated a sizable demand for economic and financial research on these relevant topics. Against this background, we welcome submissions related, but not restricted, to policy-relevant research on financial stability and/or monetary policy.

The deadline for submissions is 22 January 2017. Please send drafts of completed papers to Authors of accepted papers will be informed by 15 March 2017. Please address any questions to

The workshop is hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston’s Research and Supervision Departments, and takes place at 600 Atlantic Ave., Boston, MA.

Scientific committee:

Chair: Jose Fillat (FRB Boston)

Edward Offenbacher (Bank of Israel)

Giovanni Olivei (FRB Boston)

Frank Smets (ECB)

Skander van den Heuvel (FR Board/ECB)

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