51st OeNB Annual Economic Conference in cooperation with SUERF
  • Format/event location: Hybrid, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Otto-Wagner-Platz 3, 1090 Vienna & online via Webex

Central banks are currently facing a number of substantial challenges and their various business areas, like in many sectors of the economy and in economic policy making, are undergoing fundamental structural changes. Among other themes, central banks face strategic questions such as: What will be the future monetary policy toolkit, once a “new normal” has been reached, with inflation back to established inflation targets, while the geopolitical and economic environment will likely remain challenging? How will the digital transformation and AI affect monetary policy? How to deal with persistent high uncertainty in an age of polycrises – how is monetary policy affected, what role for central bankers as risk managers? Are central bank finances relevant for central banks’ independence and their ability to deliver on their price stability mandate? How to deal with central banks’ strongly expanded de iure or de facto scope of responsibilities – what implications might “mission creep” have on democratic accountability and central bank independence? What are the interrelations between monetary policy and structural changes, do central banks have a role in facilitating certain structural reforms?