The workshop will bring together economists working in the fields of global linkages, international economics, firm dynamics, productivity growth, and managerial practices to discuss the most recent academic research. Besides expecting a strong program as in past years, the organizers are very pleased to have Oleg Itskhoki (Princeton University) as this year’s Keynote Speaker.
The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2018. To submit a paper, please use this link Submissions should include either a full paper or an extended abstract with the main results. Authors chosen to present papers will be notified by approximately the end of March 2018. A preliminary program will be announced by the end of April, 2018.
Please note that Barcelona Summer Forum is a series of independent workshops. When you submit your paper, you will be able to see the topics and dates of other workshops that will take place within the Summer Forum. The same paper cannot be submitted to more than one workshop, but you are welcome to submit a different paper to another workshop.
Access the PDF of the call here.
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