The 7th annual meeting of CEBRA’s International Finance and Macroeconomics (IFM) program takes place in Luxembourg from November 21-22, 2024.
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The seventh annual meeting of CEBRA’s International Finance and Macroeconomics program (IFM) is joint with the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the University of Luxembourg and the Banque centrale du Luxembourg.

 The meeting will focus on the role of central banks and international financial institutions in the green transition.

Keynote speakers: Claudia Buch, Chair of Supervisory Board, ECB

The conference aims to bring together high-quality research and policymakers to discuss the financial aspects of the global transition to a low-carbon economy and the role central banks and international financial institutions need to play in this transition.

We invite researchers to submit empirical and theoretical contributions to topics related but not limited to:
● Climate-related risks and bank regulation and supervision
● Climate-related challenges to financial and price stability
● Directing private sector capital towards funding climate solutions
● International capital flows and climate solutions
● Monetary-fiscal policy coordination in response to climate-related risks

Papers should be submitted by May 31, 2024, to

The authors of accepted papers will be notified by June 30, 2024.

Questions can be directed to Coralie Deshayes (, Michael Halling ( or François Koulischer (francois.koulischer@uni.l).

Organizing committee:
Galina Hale (UC Santa Cruz, CEBRA, NBER, CEPR)
Michael Halling (University of Luxembourg)
François Koulischer (University of Luxembourg)
Yasin Mimir (European Stability Mechanism)
Lorenzo Ricci (European Stability Mechanism)
Konstantinos Theodoridis (European Stability Mechanism)