Job Postings

Welcome to CEBRA’s job postings and development opportunities board!

This website and all of its content is provided as a free service for sponsors of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA). All rights are reserved.

With this webpage, CEBRA offers a portal for sharing vacant senior positions in Central Banks throughout the world. CEBRA is not involved in the content of job descriptions or the application process. All job listings either link to the career page of the respective institution or highlight the appropriate email address or process to apply.

The information contained on the site is for personal use only. Any commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited. Please contact the CEBRA office if you have any questions.

Central banks at all CEBRA sponsorship levels plus Central Banks with a CEBRA liaison officer are entitled to advertise open positions on the CEBRA job postings/opportunities board. This is a free service. Please reach out to the CEBRA office if you have any questions.

Only vacancies at a senior level are accepted, including secondments and visiting opportunities (examples: Senior Economist, Economist, Vice President, President etc.). This service is not available for entry positions for new PHD’s. Posts older than 14 days will not be listed.

All requests for promoting a current job posting, secondment or visiting opportunity, fulfilling the above criteria, should be sent to

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