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Date: April 28th 2016 to April 29th 2016
The Central Bank of Iceland, the Systemic Risk Centre at The London School of Economics and the International Monetary Fund are pleased to announce a call for papers for the conference “Capital Flows, Systemic Risk, and Policy Responses”, held April 28-29, 2016, in Reykjavik, Iceland.
The purpose of the two-day event is to promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge between academics and policy makers on systemic risk and macroprudential regulation in economies that are not among the core global rate setters.
Deadline for paper submission: January 11, 2016
Notification of paper acceptance: January 27, 2016
Conference dates: April 28 – 29, 2016
The conference organisers invite authors – whether from academia or public authorities (including central banks) – to submit papers focused on policy issues, theory or empirical analyses on the following topics:
•identification and measurement of systemic risk emanating from capital flows
•capital inflows/outflows and financial stability
•objectives and tools of macroprudential policies
•interaction between monetary and macroprudential policies
•political economy challenges in implementing an effective macroprudential regime
Confirmed speakers (as of December 1, 2015) include Charles Goodhart (Systemic Risk Centre, The London School of Economics), Stijn Claessens (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System), and Jon Danielsson (Systemic Risk Centre, The London School of Economics).
Papers for the conference should be submitted by January 11, 2016.
To submit a paper, please complete this submission form. There is no submission fee.
The cover page should include the title of the paper; affiliation, address, phone and email of the corresponding author; an abstract and the appropriate JEL classification.
Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be notified by January 27, 2016.
At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the conference. Travel and accommodation expenses for reasonable economy class fair for academic presenters can be reimbursed upon prior request to the organisers.
The organising committee of the conference includes Marco Arena (International Monetary Fund), Sigríður Benediktsdóttir (Central Bank of Iceland), and Katja Neugebauer (Systemic Risk Centre, LSE).
FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Katja Neugebauer (
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