We are delighted to share details of the SUERF (The European Money and Finance Forum) event „Gender, Money, and Finance“ , in cooperation with Banque de France. This year’s conference topic is “Gender, the Economy and Digitalization” , available via Webex.
- Date and time: Tuesday, 8 March 2022 at 3:00 PM CET
- To participate, please register by using the following LINK.
Feel free to share this invitation with colleagues who might be interested to attend!
[pdf-embedder url=”http://cebra.org.185-101-158-55.117.hosttech.eu.185-101-158-55.117.hosttech.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/220303-SUERF-I-BdF-_-Gender-Money-and-Finance-No2-8-March-2022.docx.pdf” title=”220303 SUERF I BdF _ Gender Money and Finance No2 – 8 March 2022.docx”]